Round 2: Event Sponsorship Program 2024/25

This is a preview of the Event Sponsorship Program Form- Round 2 FY 2024-25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Important Information

* indicates a required field.

Summary of Event Sponsorship Program

This round of funding is for activities taking place between 1 July and 31 December 2025.

Funding level- Tier 2: up to $10,000 or Tier 3: up to $15,000.

This category supports large scale events and festivals that have widespread appeal, drive visitation and stimulate economic growth that will contribute to the vibrancy to municipality of Alice Springs.

This category is a competitive program, regularly receiving more applications than it can support. All applications are assessed against eligibility criteria and outcomes for applicants are determined by the strength of the application, alignment to the program objectives and priority pillars outlined in the Alice Springs Livability and Sustainability 2030 plan.

Sponsored events are required to deliver benefits in recognition of the Alice Springs Town Council support. The benefits are required to be equal to the value of the sponsorship investment, and may include benefits such as brand exposure, marketing and digital advertising, activations, signage and add the project to ASTC online calendar.



Please read the Community Support Guidelines which are available on the Alice Springs Town Council website, before completing the application form.

Applicant must:

  • be a Not-For-Profit community group, organization or a school*
  • be incorporated or auspiced*
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • meet in the Alice Springs municipality 
  • show that the grant will substantially benefit residents of Alice Springs
  • hold current Public Liability insurance for minimum $20 million at the time of application (this item cannot be funded with this grant/sponsorship)
  • have satisfactorily acquitted previous funding received by Alice Springs Town Council. 

*Auspice applicants must obtain letter of agreement from the auspice organization.

Have your organization previously received ASTC community grant or event sponsorship? * Required

Assessment Criteria

Council assesses each application on its merits.

Eligible applications will be assessed using the questions and criteria listed below. The percentage weightings are provided as a guide to the importance of each question in the assessment process.

Event Profile (30%)

Realistic Objectives (20%)

Strategic Alignment (20%)

Budget (20%)

Environmental and Accessibility Considerations (10%)